Kodam Pana – An enormous tree that has a mystical life

Kodam Pana is the Malayalam name of the tree of this topic. I know a picture would have be helpful, however, thanks to the non-reliant technological things that we may end up purchasing sometime. I cannot share with resources, that I have now. However, there is one interesting fact that I would wish to share:
This enormous tree with enormous leaves stops taking nutrients from the soil once it flowers. It’s trunk contains all reserves and it may flower about 5 times using the reserve in it’s trunk. The yield from this tree is an alcoholic drink. And the leaves are a favorite with elephants.
The tree dies when it’s reserves are exhausted. If this is a scientific fact it is astounding to hear it from people who narrate this story with non-reference to scientific journals. How, di the ancients make such great observation. I might be just discounting their scientific knowledge or their access to current scientific knowledge.


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