Do black holes have mass - Why should they?

Subatomic particles are supposedly made of strings of energies. When you say something is made of strings of energies, you have reduced material to something that does not occupy space. Now if you take two coins and push it hard enough one against the other so much so that all the atoms and subatomic particles are no longer able to retain their stucture and break up into energy strings. The energy strings do not require space for existence, you have created a black hole. That’s doomsday then, you get sucked into it along with all the earth and things that fly around it in our galaxy. Let’s assume that mass has converted into information, and layer upon layer the black hole is nothing more than a huge amount of information of all that existed in our galaxy. This information is not really in 1’s and 0’s but maybe more kinds of bits depending upon the kind of string materials have converted themselves into before giving up their mass. Now Milky Way is reduced to packed information capsule that if we could decipher would contain information of what Jupiter and Pluto was like, it would also contain information of your name and the DNA details that made you the person you are. Believe, the scientist when they say that one day your grandmother could be brought back to life from this information that has not lost even if she was burnt or buried, because no information is ever lost. Do not believe in God who said that all will be resurrected during judgment. You were here by accident and yet you DNA was coded with intelligent information. This information would never be lost, yet there was no one who put the information the way it should have been put to have caused us to exist now. Scientific theories are running on parallel lines with the Biblical scriptures. But it may be true that parallel line never meet. If you replace an assumed information center Black hole with the mind of God the parallel lines would surely meet. 


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