West is not all alright and East is not all all-wrong

The division may not be exactly between the west and the east, but rather more accurately between the developed and the under-developed world.

While there are a lot of things the under-developed nations can learn from the developed once. There is a lot of cultural progress that the developed nations might need to revert. 

My wish in this post is to mention what's going wrong in the developed nations and then mention my plague in the under-developed world that I live in:

Developed nations notation of secular ideas seem to be pushing it back to an era where it would apparently end up having cult ideas or pagan believes. 

1. Animal rights - While it is important to be vigilant of species extinction. Making hue and cry about non-endangered animals is way to far with a hue and cry. While in the west this is about animal rights, in the east it's about animals being gods. Was the west influenced by the intolerance of animal killing in the east?
    Here in the eastern hemisphere in Bangalore, I have seen dogs chasing children and women. I have been myself chased by them when on bike. In Chennai I was once surrounded by dogs while I was walking back home after finishing late night in office. So many children have been killed, but the dogs will not be removed from the streets as they are protected under the law.

2. To be continued...


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