Progress was fast from the days of Adam and Eve
Adam's first invention could have been bowls. The first bowl was perhaps his own hands. He cupped water to drink and wash his children. He must have used leaf, coconut shell, skin or ... A pumpkin might have been handy for storing larger volumes. He must have chipped rocks to create larger vessels and in the process discovered fire. Natural fires must have taught him about cooked food if he had not learnt that earlier. His observation skills must have taught him many things about what fire can achieve when applied to different materials. Eve would have infact found the first use shampoo to clean her hair. The only difference could have been that she found the shampoo in the water she bathed rather than taking a bottle of it to the water. Trees give shade and can keep you from getting wet in a drizzle. Caves were a better option when it rained heavy, but cave creatures might have compelled man to build their own home. While caves inspired dome shapes, leaves helped to b...